…yet Relyn was skilled with words and his blade, for the black demon Nylan had given him a mystic blade and an iron hand in return for his good right hand, which Ryba the evil had sliced off to place Relyn in bondage to Nylan…

After the battles for the Westhorns, Relyn made his way eastward, beguiling all who would listen with sing-gifted words and honeyed phrases.

…Relyn, traitor as he was to the great heritage of Cyador, not only built the first black Temple east of the Westhorns, but spent his years preaching against the truth of the old Empire.

Where the first Temple rose is uncertain, for it was rightly burned by Fernard the Great as an abomination…

Later, Relyn fled from Gallos through ancient Axalt and came to Montgren and spent many hours with the shepherds who lived there…with him came the teachings of the black demon Nylan and the forbidden songs of Ayrlyn…

…and Relyn brought them the way of forging the iron that burns chaos and cannot be broken, and the shepherds turned their forests into charcoal and their hills into gaping pits and charnel heaps and wrought the blades that severed souls…and bloody Montgren came into being…

The White Order - chapter:XXXII
